Majestic Leadership For Global Growth


With a stellar track record of business development spanning over 40 years, 30 countries, and four continents, Dr. Ricky White has served in various key roles: President, Vice Chairman, Executive Vice President, Vice President and Business Owner. Hailing from the deep South, Ricky can rightfully own the title of savvy businessman while negotiating billion dollar contracts and still remain the consummate Southern gentleman.


As CEO and owner of Ricky White Consulting and Global Angel Investors Network, Ricky's expertise is around Fund Raising, Angel Investors, business education, leadership, trust, negotiation and the essential value of building business relationships. Ricky contends that "Ethics and integrity is the cornerstone of all business transactions. Without trust, a deal should never be brokered." As a global traveler and international businessman, Ricky has a keen interest in emerging markets, specializing in Africa, Asia and Australia.


Dr. Ricky White has directly trained over 10,000 individuals in settings as small as one and as large as 500. He has spoken on topics such as management, real estate, leadership, franchising, effective communication, human resources and fundraising just to list a few. Ricky is well versed in interactions with various cultures as he has traveled to over 30 countries on 4 continents. Ricky has been to Africa numerous times.


Ricky White Consulting embraces intense passion for what he does, focused and undistracted in his purpose. Ricky acts with unquestionable integrity, serving as a trusted steward and long-term partner with our clients. We seek superior results, as investment success provides expanded ways for our clients to achieve their mission. Our clients come first in how we think and the actions we take. Their mission and passion inspire us to develop custom investment programs to meet unique investment needs. As a result, we have thoughtfully and intentionally built an investment organization which we believe is second to none.


Ricky has a PHD as well a Masters in Leadership and Bachelors in Business. A born teacher and executive trainer, Ricky applies his lively sense of humor and interactive learning style to keep the audience awake and engaged. After all, this is how true learning happens. Ricky has directly trained over 10,000 individuals in settings as small as one and as large as 1000. Ricky is a keynote speaker on topics such as: franchising, leadership, effective communication, management, negotiation, bullying prevention, computers, human resources and fundraising. Ricky is well versed in interactions with various cultures as his passion is international business development and "coaching the global village." Ricky is also an expert in raising funds and Angel investing.